Tax News No 5 – March 2021

Tax News No 5 – March 2021

1St Resolution of Modifications to the MTR for 2021 Fourth Anticipated Version

On March 16, 2021, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) released through its website the fourth anticipated version of the First Resolution of Modifications to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution (“MTR”) for 2021, in which they are amended, added and repealed several rules.

Among the modifications observed in the version abovementioned, we consider relevant the following rules, although we suggest our readers review in detail all the rules in order to detect if there is any change that may affect their particular case.

Renewal e.firma for entities

The Rule 13.2. is incorporated which establishes that entities could request the renewal of their certificate of e.firma (electronic signature) if said certificate has lost its validity within the year prior to the request, as long as the legal representative who has processed the expired certificate is the same and has an active e.firma.

Cancellation of authorization to receive deductible donations

The Rule 3.10.29. is incorporated which establishes that the authorized institutions to receive donations deductible for income tax purposes could request the cancellation of such authorization, filling before the Mexican tax authorities the request through the tax mailbox according to the procedure established in form 155/ISR “Cancellation of the authorization to receive deductible donations”.

Likewise, said rule indicates that in case of requests for cancellation, revocation, conclusion or termination of the authorization to receive donations deductible for income tax purposes or any similar request in which the termination of the validity of said authorization is requested filled previous to March 1, 2021, the Mexican tax authorities will require that the institution confirm such request within a period of ten business days in the understanding that if the institution does not confirm such request would be considered as not filled.

For such purposes, the authorization to receive donations deductible for income tax purposes will be considered canceled as of the date in which the notification of the cancellation ruling takes effect.

For more detail, below you will find the link where the abovementioned anticipated version could be consulted.

We remain at your service for any clarification or comment that is required regarding this publication.


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March 2021

Mexico City

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