Tax News No 4 – February 2021
Derived from the reform to the Income Tax Law in force as of fiscal year 2020, the tax treatment for residents in Mexico and residents abroad with permanent establishment in Mexico who obtain income through transparent foreign entities for purposes was modified. prosecutors and foreign legal figures¹, among other assumptions that even its entry into force was deferred to 2021.
For these purposes, there is an obligation for taxpayers who, among other assumptions, carry out operations through transparent foreign entities fiscal and foreign legal figures referred to in article 4-B of the LISR to file during the month of February of each year the respective informative declaration.²
The purpose of this document is to make a reminder that during this month of February the deadline for the presentation of the aforementioned informative return for taxpayers expires due to the following: i) income that they have generated or generate in fiscal year 2020 subject to REFIPRE, or, in companies or entities whose income is subject to REFIPRE, ii) income of any kind from the so-called “black list” and iii) carry out operations through transparent tax and foreign entities and foreign legal figures referred to in the Article 4-B of the LISR.
In this sense, we make ourselves available to you in order to review these issues, determine whether or not you would be obliged to submit said informative statement and, where appropriate, provide any support in submitting said statement.
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February 2021
Mexico City
¹Article 4-B of the Income Tax Law
²Article 178 of the Income Tax Law