Tax News No 13 – July 2022
The Decree published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 18, 2017 (Decree granting various administrative facilities regarding income tax related to deposits or investments received in Mexico) established various administrative facilities for natural and legal persons who have obtained income from investments, direct and indirect, held abroad until December 31, 2016 and returned to the country.
These facilities consisted, among others, that natural and legal persons resident in Mexico, as well as residents abroad with permanent establishment in the country who had obtained income from investments held, directly or indirectly, abroad until December 31, 2016, could regularize said investments by applying the preferential rate of 8% on the total amount of the resources that were returned to the country. country, provided that various requirements were met such as the presentation of the corresponding notice and that said returned resources were invested in certain purposes and deadlines.
Recently,the financial authorities have initiated their powers of verification of a number of taxpayers who decided to opt for the facilities provided for in the aforementioned Decree.
Therefore, in Fralla we are at your disposal in order to support our Clients in the review process by the tax authorities for which we would perform, in general terms, the following:
- Review of information and documentation related to the application of the facilities established in the Decree;
- Review, integration and presentation of the documentation that is required by the tax authorities;
- Monitoring and procedures before the tax authorities and, where appropriate, review, integration and presentation of additional documentation that these authorities may require, until the satisfactory conclusion for our Clients of these verification processes.
We remain at your service for any questions or clarifications in relation to this publication.
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Mexico City, Mexico
July 2022