Tax News No 14 – June 2021

Tax News No 14 – June 2021

2n Resolution Amendments to the RMF for 2021 - Second Provisional Version

On June 1, 2021, the Tax Administration Service (SAT per its acronym in Spanish) released through its website the second provisional version of the Second Resolution of Amendments to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2021, through which various rules are amended, added and repealed.

Among the modifications observed in the version in question, the following rules stand out, although we suggest our readers to review in detail all the rules in order to detect if there is any change that affects their particular case

Non-working days

Rule 2.1.6 is amended to establish that the SAT’s first general vacation period for 2021 comprises the days from July 19 to 30.

Amendment of fiscal situation through instalment payments

Rule 2.11.10 is amended to establish that the provisions of section III of article 66-A of the Federal Tax Code (guarantee of tax interest) will not be applicable in the case of taxpayers who choose to amend their tax situation by paying in instalments at any stage within the SAT’s exercise of powers of verification and even before the resolution of the tax credit is issued, adding as a requirement in such cases that the taxpayer in question should pay in advance 20% of the aggregate amount of the omitted tax through the filing of the corresponding tax return, in addition to making the respective payments in the amounts and dates that have been authorized.

Forgiveness of fines derived from the application of undue tax losses

A second paragraph is added to rule 2.16.11., in order to establish that when taxpayers express their intention to cover their payable contributions and accessories through partial or deferred form in terms of articles 66 and 66-A of the Federal Tax Code, the percentage of forgiveness of the fine will be 50%.

Submission of the adjusted statement of financial position (electronic accounting)

Through transitory provisions, it is established that for purposes of the provisions contained, among others, in rule (compliance with the provision to submit accounting through electronic media on a monthly basis) regarding the submission of the adjusted statement of financial position at the close of the tax year, natural persons who are required to keep accounting and file the statement of financial position through the SAT’s website, may submit the aforementioned adjusted financial position statement at the close of the tax year corresponding to the 2020 tax year, no later than June 2021.

Below, we put for your convenience the link where you can consult the resolution in question in more detail.

We remain at your service for any clarification or comment that is required regarding this publication.

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June 2021

México City

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